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Shichinin no samurai (1954)

a.k.a Seven Samurai

Sanshô dayû (1954)

a.k.a Sansho the Bailiff

Touchez pas au grisbi (1954)

a.k.a Hands Off the Loot

Chikamatsu monogatari (1954)

a.k.a A Story from Chikamatsu

Miyamoto Musashi (1954)

a.k.a Samurai I: Musashi Miyamoto

Nijûshi no hitomi (1954)

a.k.a Twenty-Four Eyes

Yama no oto (1954)

a.k.a Sound of the Mountain

Bangiku (1954)

a.k.a Late Chrysanthemums

Uwasa no onna (1954)

a.k.a The Woman of Rumour

Ôsaka no yado (1954)

a.k.a An Inn at Osaka

L'oro di Napoli (1954)

a.k.a The Gold of Naples