All movies

The Big Swallow (1901)

a.k.a A Photographic Contortion

Le royaume des fées (1903)

a.k.a The Kingdom of the Fairies

Le mélomane (1903)

a.k.a The Music Lover

Le locataire diabolique (1909)

a.k.a The Devilish Tenant

Les résultats du féminisme (1906)

a.k.a The Consequences of Feminism

L'homme orchestre (1900)

a.k.a The One-Man Band

Les cartes vivantes (1905)

a.k.a The Living Playing Cards

Nouvelles luttes extravagantes (1901)

a.k.a The Fat and the Lean Wrestling Match

Princess Nicotine; or, The Smoke Fairy (1909)

a.k.a Princess Nicotine; or, the Smoke Fairy

Le déshabillage impossible (1900)

a.k.a Going to Bed with Difficulties

Explosion of a Motor Car (1900)

a.k.a The Delights of Automobiling

Le cochon danseur (1907)

a.k.a The Dancing Pig

Les quatre cents farces du diable (1906)

a.k.a The 400 Tricks of the Devil

Le chaudron infernal (1903)

a.k.a The Infernal Cauldron

Illusions funambulesques (1903)

a.k.a Extraordinary Illusions