All movies

Shichinin no samurai (1954)

a.k.a Seven Samurai

Kumonosu-jô (1957)

a.k.a Throne of Blood

Akahige (1965)

a.k.a Red Beard

Dodesukaden (1970)

a.k.a Dodes'ka-den

Donzoko (1957)

a.k.a The Lower Depths

Ikimono no kiroku (1955)

a.k.a I Live in Fear

Hachigatsu no rapusodî (1991)

a.k.a Rhapsody in August

Hakuchi (1951)

a.k.a The Idiot

Mâdadayo (1993)

a.k.a Madadayo

Shûbun (1950)

a.k.a Scandal

Subarashiki nichiyôbi (1947)

a.k.a One Wonderful Sunday

Waga seishun ni kuinashi (1946)

a.k.a No Regrets for Our Youth

Shizukanaru kettô (1949)

a.k.a The Quiet Duel

Tora no o wo fumu otokotachi (1945)

a.k.a The Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail

Zoku Sugata Sanshirô (1945)

a.k.a Sanshiro Sugata, Part Two

Ichiban utsukushiku (1944)

a.k.a The Most Beautiful

Uma no uta (1970)

a.k.a Song of the Horse