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Currently in 30 official lists, but has been in 40
BrassKey checked this title
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a week agomizee checked this title
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a week agostarlight-queen checked this title
2 weeks agoeraserhead1976 checked this title
2 weeks ago
The cinematography is brilliant – every scene is perfect. The movie feels like a bad dream, where every character, location, camera angle and line of dialogue is crooked.
This is a cool movie, though that lazy-ass "if you don't like X acclaimed film, then you're a braindead Michael Bay/Marvel loving simpleton" ad hominem should be fucking banned from commenting.
From it's first unparalleled shot to it's last lonely frame this was a masterwork. Every shot is so well composed and Welles created one of cinemas best villains.
For my money there is no version worth seeing other than the 1998 "memo" version. It's the closest we'll ever get to seeing a truly complete film. It's sad that this film was placed up there with films like Blade Runner and Metropolis that were almost ruined by studio interference.