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a week ago
[quote=Chicago Sun-Times]If nothing else, "Oblivion" will go down in film history as the movie where Tom Cruise pilots a white, sperm-shaped craft into a giant space uterus.
This movie can be used to list the fundamental sci-fi elements used in many books and movies. It reminded me of the series Rama by Arthur C. Clarke, Solaris by Stanislav Lem and many different sci-fi books. I don't mean that the film was bad, it was as close to real sci-fi as possible, I really liked the movie. The pace was just right, the psychology (and perhaps sociology) was given in beautifully shot scenes. There were some problems but they did not affect the movie.
I believe pure sci-fi is the best and this movie incorporates nearly every sci-fi concept inside itself. The fact that these ideas were previously used in other movies does not mean that this movie is not good. Actually, those "original" movies are usually based on books which usually borrowed ideas from some classic sci-fi books by Verne, Wells and other master authors (which is absolutely normal imo) so it's really just about how it is portrayed and this movie does the job well.
It rips off half a dozen classic sci fi movies and is very predictable, but hey, people in classic movies joke about how predictable movies are. There's only so many types of stories to tell. It's a popcorn sci fi flick with pretty people in it, nothing revolutionary. I thought it looked really good aesthetically and had some good action scenes. Plus a few hell yeah moments. Go humans! I got what I wanted from it.