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14.9% of the viewers favorited this title, 0.5% disliked it
Currently in 21 official lists, but has been in 25
Chihiro checked this title
15 hours agoaryamanable checked this title
4 days agosebasda checked this title
4 days agowhiskyagogo checked this title
6 days agowhiskyagogo favorited this title
6 days agoscissor_man checked this title
6 days ago
A striking film that ends in quite a moving way. Beautifully shot and scored, especially for the first half hour, taking full advantage of the wilds of Texas. My problems with it are entirely related to the story, which felt very artificial, with characters acting in a manner that served the script rather than a realistic way. Grand metaphors and abstract passions were elevated over a more humanistic realism.
This film stays with you.
what a great music.
The last scene is so touching.