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10.8% of the viewers favorited this title, 0.8% disliked it
Currently in 22 official lists, but has been in 26
sakura_chan checked this title
7 hours agorday19 checked this title
23 hours agoBrassKey checked this title
3 days agoChihiro checked this title
a week agoTheChainUser checked this title
a week agoSpectral69 favorited this title
a week ago
Such a beautiful and sad movie, can't believe it took me this long to actually watch it.
OK, so I'm about fifteen years late to the party on this one, but let me just say I was still deeply unprepared for that emotional rollercoaster!
Joker of Gotham
What a great comedy movie, a film of two very different halves and both parts were awesome, the way that Roberto Benigni plays his role is incredible