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5 months ago
Entertaining for the moment, smart dialogue, good acting - but do not end up in the movie collection, I thought more about it! Partly funny.
Underrated! Bergmans first attempt at a straightforward comedy, but it’s still got plenty of pondering on serious themes. I really enjoyed this one, lighter tone with a lot of the same Bergman wit and really great characters. Fast paced, informative dialogue and great use of flashbacks help establish a history between characters. The end was a little too cute, felt more 1940’s Hollywood than Bergman but overall this is a solid flick from him. Should be in a list or two IMO.
Eva Dahlbeck and Gunnar Björnstrand in comedy of remarriage mode. Between two trains, two stations, two flashbacks, a special young Harriet.
Read more in French on La Saveur des goûts amers.