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2 months agoFilmsuechtiger checked this title
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4 months agoAvalon8201 checked this title
5 months ago
It was worth watching beacuse of Ingrid, it was enjoyable every time she was on screen, even when I wasn't interested in the plot, her performance was the only thing that kept me watching, but other than that I didn't liked the movie very much.
Despite the star power it is slow to get off the ground and once it finally starts rolling along you find out it's well into the third act. It's a Rom-com with enough romance but seriously lacking in much of the comedy. So many of the major plot points that drive the comedic side of it are included so late that they feel almost tacked on. The story is indeed drawn from a stage play and it has that unique tone, yet it feels like they adapted it to the screen and left out half the jokes. It's seriously lacking in energy.
Bergman is still fun to watch though, she is especially gifted at "eye acting" and is able to convey a mountain of emotion with the single dart of her eyes.