A light, likeable sport movie - enjoyable for its fine comedy, its well-directed sport set pieces and its good cast. Despite the well written dialogue and the humour, I found the script to be somewhat lacking as there are too many separate plot elements involving too many characters that lead to none of them gaining particular depth - which might be fine considering the movie's laid-back attitude, but why involve dramatic and romantic elements in the first place if they are to be brushed aside so fleetingly.
9 years ago
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A light, likeable sport movie - enjoyable for its fine comedy, its well-directed sport set pieces and its good cast. Despite the well written dialogue and the humour, I found the script to be somewhat lacking as there are too many separate plot elements involving too many characters that lead to none of them gaining particular depth - which might be fine considering the movie's laid-back attitude, but why involve dramatic and romantic elements in the first place if they are to be brushed aside so fleetingly.