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a month ago
An action/adventure/romance/comedy that felt like it even surpassed Indiana Jones itself. Man, Michael Douglas is good.
Romancing the Stone wasn't quite as good as I remembered. The premise is strong - a romance novelist gets to experience what is essentially one of her stories and the truth of the kind of romantic figure she usually writes - and you can still see how the cast (Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner and Danny DeVito) was propelled into movie stardom and more projects together. The plot is a problem for me however. It needed to be Indiana Jones a little more, and an 80s shoot-em-up filled with comedy South American stereotypes a little less, for one thing. For another, it's got way too many plot holes, some of which get filled in by deleted and alternate scenes included on the DVD. I don't know if the film would have been too slow with them included, but too much information was left on the cutting room floor. Still, strong first act, and fun third. It's the middle in the jungles of Columbia that sags for me.
I was mad that I watched this movie.