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3 days agowhiskyagogo favorited this title
2 weeks agowhiskyagogo checked this title
2 weeks agoYojimbro checked this title
3 weeks agoPo1yakh checked this title
3 weeks ago
The beserk organ that opens both Van Morrisson's song 'T.B Sheets' and this movie is the perfect off-beat that guides this profound, crazed, hypnotic film. I mean, there's a few underrated Scorsese pictures, but this one takes the cake…did people even see this? Cage mesmerizes in that signature drowsy-yet-psyched-up way and his rapport with all his co-actors is magic, it's some of his best work. The whole film basks in a demented glow that represents the absolute pinnacle of Richardson's abilities aswell. This film is fucking pulsating, vibrating, pounding, brimming, teeming with genius and life.
I think its aptly rated film…not nicks best, not his worst, just average. Not sure if I could see enough of Scorsese in this, certainly not his best. It's a quaint little quirky film that has its moments but moves at a miserable pace and lacks focus, which might've been the intent but not sure if everything falls into place just because the film has lack of direction as the direction at its core.
Underrated movie without doubt