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a month ago
Funny, witty, fast-paced with that little dash over the top that the Coens do so well. It's not the Coens' best, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Despite some plotholes and zaniness it's still the best romcom I've seen thus far.
Oh, do you want some bones? Has anyone any bones? Hard, crunchy bones for the..
Perhaps I'm giving the Coens too much credit, but I imagine that this is the sort of film they made either because they lost a bet or wanted to prove a point. It's still very much a Coen brothers movie, but all the characters are wealthy, aimless, vapid dipshits with no grounding in reality…
…much like every romantic comedy ever made. This one is at least honest about how reprehensible and unlikable all the characters are. Perhaps they are making fun of the target audience?