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4 days ago
I loved this. I expected this too be sugary sweet but it wasn't. There's romance in it, but it's subtle. It's funny, sweet and very charming. Cute little thing.
This is one of the movies that are really close to my heart. I loved Juliette Binoche and Johnny Depp in this, but I have to say they really cast all the small roles very well, too: Lena Olin, Judi Dench, Peter Stormare, Alfred Molina and many others really gave this film a lot of heart and emotion.
It's the story of a woman who comes to a small, quiet village and opens a chocolate store during Lent. First she is met with rejection and exclusion but slowly some people open up to her and her tolerant and joyful way of life…
I think the story is told in a beautiful way, sometimes like a fairy-tale but with very real problems and scenes, sometimes funny and sometimes sad… I could really feel with all the characters and it always gets me in a good mood… and of course you should have some chocolate at home when you watch this movie, because if you like chocolate at all, this film will definately make you want some! :)
Just delightful.