The Grudge (2004)

An American nurse living and working in Tokyo is exposed to a mysterious supernatural curse, one that locks a person in a powerful rage before claiming their life and spreading to another victim.


The Japanese version was decent, but this is a weaker copy. The major scares have been replicated, and a lot of the tension and jumps have been successfully retained, but the film as a whole is very Americanised and glossy, which hurts the immersion. The screenplay is also confusing and parts don't make sense.

9 years ago


Meh. Spectacularly banal plot.

11 years ago

On cinema at the cinema

Giant pile of steaming goat crap. Watched 40 minutes of this, and realized, that's 40 wholesome minutes I could have dedicated to hitting my face with a sledge hammer and a bottle opener.

8 years ago

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