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5 months ago
One day, like a contagion, people start to go blind (a special blindness where all you see is white). The first affected are quarantined in a disused hospital, where they are left to their own devices and descend into barbarism, until the rest of the world joins them. Julianne Moore is the one person unaffected, though she joins her husband in Ward 1, feigning blindness to stay with him. None of the characters have names, as per Saramago's book, which serves to allegorize them. What we're seeing, beyond the literal story, is the whole history of humanity, from tribe to tyranny and back again to the kind of community that makes sense to us while governments and corporations rule the so-called "real world". The anonymity of the characters made the book difficult, but with human performances (and great ones too, what an awesome international cast), the literal story is enriched. By turns disturbing and touching, Blindness is a transformative experience for its characters, maybe even for its audience
One of the better Hollywood arthouse movies.
Poorly rated by critics and imdb votes, but one of the highest fav/check ratios for a sci-fi film on icheck. (#131 as of today.)
You people are so BLIND! This movie is so beautiful.
Altho it made me hate humanrace even more. Really disturbing as some said and I almost felt like vomiting from emotion that it brought up, but still, really, really beautiful movie. I can't find all the right words to describe it.