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a month ago
Monsters is a remarkable, if not classic, film for a few reasons. Quite obviously the outstanding visual effects achieved on such a small budget is something that has been discussed a lot. The wonderful soundtrack by Jon Hopkinsn too. Yet I think the melting pot of the film is much more impressive.
The fact that it mixes road movie, a romance, a film with people visiting a foreign country, a post-apocalyptic riff and a sci-fi monster film all into one and manages to not be a mess but instead coherent, believable, unnerving and touching is quite a triumph. I found it refreshing how instead of a film that is having a full on love-in with nature that the characters always appear slightly tired and dirty of travelling, and nature always seems dangerous (with the monsters thriving there). They are homesick, and rather than some 'spiritual journey' they instead simply long for home comforts. Of course the question of where home is becomes more ambiguous towards the end.
I think that the title may be somewhat misleading but I completely disagree with any people who seem to believe that the monsters are the central point to this film (Mr Filmnatic). What I saw in the film was some suspenseful moments with the monsters but actually a film looking at what humans would do to other humans for one side's gain. Whether intentional or not there are clearly some political issues here. The casting off of Mexico is throughout the film, people being forgot about for the greater good.
I found throughout the film that there were two monsters: the aliens but also the fighter jets. We hear them and see them from afar and they often cause devastation, in the background mostly that is then left plain in the cold light of day. The fear of the two from the main characters becomes almost equal.
I think the film is not perfect. At times the main relationship, the other clear centre point of the film, is a bit shallow, the dialogue slightly airy. Yet I never found it unrealistic or stupid. People are flawed and I think it comes across well.
A very good film which I think achieves its goals very competently.
I really liked this film. It is beautiful, quiet and intense at the same time. The ending was amazing!
Pyramid on the Mexican…US border!