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Currently in 6 official lists, but has been in 9
Splagodiablo checked this title
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a week agoHarzan checked this title
a week agoroddy1996 checked this title
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a week agoTomkoServer checked this title
2 weeks ago
Painful to watch, which I guess is the point. Unflinching portrayal of a cruel, bleak world, with a dogged protagonist whose strength, stoicism, and love for her family stands out as a beacon of humanity and decency within an otherwise irredeemable society.
Jennifer Lawrence delivers a fantastic performance and the aesthetics/tone of the film were haunting - even, at times, beautiful. Admittedly, I didn't enjoy watching it - the subject matter is heavy and there's not really any sense of hope to cling to. But that comes down to my personal tastes rather than some flaw within the film.
Having lived in southern Missouri for several years, I can vouch for the authenticity of the "background" of this movie, even though many people can't imagine anywhere in America being "like that"! Very well done.
i would like to call this movie a country-noir movie no matter how strange it sounds