Dots (1940)

An experimental film in which both sound and visuals were created entirely by Norman McLaren drawing directly upon the film with ordinary pen and ink. The main title is in eight languages. Rereleased with multilingual titles in 1949.


This is the third Norman McLaren short I've seen, and each has been very different, ranging from stop motion photography to pastel drawing. 'Dots' is the the most traditional of the lot, and the most basic. It's a great demonstration of animation. Succinctly put, its just a bunch of dots moving around and exploding. It's worth the watch given its short run time, and its pretty cool what he does with such rudimentary animation. In the end though, its just a bunch of dots, its hard to get too excited.

14 years ago


Simple and engaging example of a/v stimulus - shines so much greater than other more highly regarded shorts. Awesome.

12 years ago

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