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9.4% of the viewers favorited this title, 0.7% disliked it
Currently in 7 official lists, but has been in 10
Sataa42 checked this title
5 days agowhiskyagogo checked this title
5 days agoDevrimAslan checked this title
6 days agoeraserhead1976 checked this title
a week agopring_chamillion checked this title
a week agoenzo added this title to their watchlist
a week ago
there is absolutely nothing wrong with this movie.
" You, you're okay. This one: real fuckin' ugly"
"I like the humor of the picture, the hilariously long fight scene between "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and Keith David, and the sense of outrage. They Live is one of the best films of a fine American director. " - Martin Scorsese
In a way, I wouldn't be surprised if this movie was a documentary.