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2 days ago
I just….felt unsatisfied. I felt like it was leading up to something but the end came as unexpectedly as….well pretty much nothing else in the film because it was all quite predictable. A lot of it makes no sense, such as the motivation of these avian attacks to begin with or why this guy just casually invited someone who stalked him out of the city for dinner and it lacked any form of resolution or explanation, the ending just seemed lazy. It made me very angry. Some bits did not add up at all (that murder of crows that attacked the schoolchildren just let that group of three people walk right by them despite them making just about the same ammount of noise. Or why all those birds suddenly switched from looming over the town to perching all over the protagonists' boyfriends house.) The pace was pretty slow at the start (it was more of a romance movie than a thriller, though there were some hints here and there of what the future held but all in all though it wasn't very…. thrilling. Or scary or anything. Just mildly interesting. Heck it might've been more interesting if it went in a completely different way (like maybe the protagonist turning out to be evil or a serial killer or perhaps a few of the townspeople like that dude's ex or mom) but still interesting just….the ending was too abrupt I felt it had a pretty good scare left in it (The end built it up so much) but that never happened (biggest movie tease) so I was left feeling a bit disappointed and filled with all these random questions.
This is suspense at its finest, along with Psycho as well. The thought of turning everyday species into deadly killing machines is an amazing idea. Nevertheless, the film also has an eerieness to it, which the audience feel as the birds slowly form a group ready to unleash their next attack, a must watch if a Hitchcock fan.
Not close to Hitchcock's 5 best movies, but the most famous after Psycho, never understood why..