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2 days ago
is there any good film where i'm not able to read the word "overrated" on the first page?
Arguably style over substance, Pulp Fiction certainly has a lot going for it. Engaging dialogue, strong performances and an unpredictable, intense narrative.
Pulp Fiction is a treat to watch and a memorable classic.
Yesterday I found out Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction clocked in at a staggering 2 hours and 34 minutes. Pulp is a movie I have seen countless times and the pacing is so perfect and the characters so interesting that it never feels as long as it is. It is in my short list of films that I feel compelled to watch whenever it is on. Tarantino's unique voice shines through in the quick and witty banter between characters and feels like a more refined version of what he accomplished in reservoir dogs. Sure there are themes and subtext to this film but it is not necessary to pick up on to enjoy this movie. Critics may say this is a detriment to the film but it makes it a movie that is accessible and can be deeper if you want to look for it. I attribute this movie to sparking my interest in film history and getting me to seek out movies from other masterful film makers. Pulp Fiction will always hold a special place in my film watching history.