
Good movie. A remake only in spirit this movie takes you on a thrill ride from the first scene to last. The cars, the stunts and acting are all good. It shouldn't even be compared to the first. The original Italian Job had a lot more substance and a different point to make. This one was just having fun.

12 years ago


Loved it when I was younger, I can still recall the car chases and quippy one liners to this day. Let's be honest, it's a truly great popcorn movie, but that's about all.

7 years ago


The Italian Job (2003) is more spiritual successor than either remake or sequel, and while we can be cynical and call it a cash-in on the Ocean's Eleven remake's success, or an extended car commercial, it's a rather fun popcorn movie with an affable cast, and more importantly, cool and crazy heist plans that go disastrously awry. It's not reinventing the genre, it's riding the waves made by the genre's well-worn tropes. Now, it IS kind of disappointing that the eponymous job is essentially a prologue, with the action moving to Los Angeles (talk about "well-worn") for the main action. The film does a fair job of using that location to best effect - the traffic jams, for example), but a lot of it could have been set just about anywhere with subways and underground tunnels. So it doesn't exactly escape the criticism of being "generic". And structurally, though I love to see plans go wrong, sometimes they throw the baby out with the bathwater, making certain sequences less than relevant to the end game.

6 years ago

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