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5.7% of the viewers favorited this title, 0.9% disliked it
Currently in 2 official lists, but has been in 4
eraserhead1976 checked this title
2 days agocaptainpilfer checked this title
2 days agoCJPman checked this title
3 days agoFrozengambler checked this title
4 days agoBelladonna_of_Sadness checked this title
5 days agoLiiiiiita checked this title
5 days ago
So awful its awesome, don't go into it expecting a great movie its kind of hilarious
you morons, the second part is what makes this a good film
I can understand why some people won't like the way this film is structured, since it takes such a hugh 180 in the second half. To a point were it feels like you're watching two completely different films, but that is also one of the reasons why I love this movie! It is such a crazy genre-mix that should not have worked, and yet somehow it does. On par with 'Sin CIty' the best collaboration Tarantino and Rodriguez have ever had with each other.