
Doesn't even come close to the Hustler. I love Cruise, and with Scorsese directing it should have been so much more.

13 years ago


There's a certain perfect ratio between Steve McQueen and a Mustang and between Newman and a pool table. There are a couple of great scenes like the one when Eddie leaves the couple for the rest of the trip. There are also some tacky 80's Karate kid-like moments. Overall I think is a very good movie.

10 years ago


The Color of Money is one of my favorite films of all time, and an underrated Scorsese picture if there ever was one. I'm not sure why, but this 25-years-later sequel to The Hustler (itself a fine, but completely different, film) moved with the cracking power of billiard balls. Check the film out again if you haven't in a while, and you'll see crash zooms and quick camera motions on the people as well as the balls. But at the heart of it, The Color of Money is about second chances. Paul Newman's character looks at first to buy himself one, but discovers he would rather earn it. And Tom Cruise is at a point in his career when his trademark energy seemed appropriate. Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio has never been sexier (only slightly because it's the first time I've seen it with nudity). And there's a scene with a young Forest Whitaker that I quote to someone probably once a year. Revisiting it this week, I didn't find it lacking. I wish people paid it more attention.

9 years ago

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