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Natalie12345 checked this title
2 hours agoLeMathieuLewis checked this title
22 hours agoalekzsss checked this title
2 days agoGabor. checked this title
2 days agoLudwik checked this title
2 days agoBlooder6665 checked this title
2 days ago
There's zero reason for this movie to exist. It's like they had 4 or 5 ideas, couldn't settle on one, and just made a hodge podge with none of the heart of the original.
If you think you might enjoy another one of these movies I assume you will like this one. It is more of the same which is fine but if I didn't have kids I doubt that it would have been on my radar.
Gives You a good feeling and multiple funny scenes.
+ Cute childs
+ Narrow escapes
+ These little yellow minions
- Don't need any superheroes here