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sea_sorrow checked this title
2 months agoflavo5000 checked this title
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3 months agoafireinside96 checked this title
3 months agofilmbantha checked this title
4 months agoRainCorbyn checked this title
5 months ago
I didn’t exactly enjoy it, per se, but it was interesting and the visuals were certainly great fun. I especially liked the animated fight sequence toward the end. The score was decent.
Personally, I found it a bit hard not to roll my eyes at some of the messaging when it comes to gender—given the story, there’s necessarily a huge emphasis on reproductivity and the survival of the human race, but the gender essentialism and pro-birth stuff is still extremely heavy-handed.
Furthermore, I just thought it strange that a drug like Divinity would cause such visually-remarkable effects in men and absolutely nothing in women. Seems like a missed creative opportunity.