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a month ago
You might think you have The Outfit figured out, at various points, but like a well-made suit, it's a thing of many parts, not all of them visible. Like Mark Rylance's tailor–I mean cutter, this movie seems quiet and unassuming, but has hidden depths and keeps throwing twists and turns at the audience. Chicago, 1956, a night of gangland warfare with stakes that could be John Wick-adjacent, the tailor shop becomes a pied-à-terre for mobsters. Rylance's character must navigate this dangerous situation with careful pulling of threads so he can get himself and his receptionist/surrogate daughter out of there alive. No surprise, he gives a pleasantly subtle performance and makes the witty script sparkle. A "bottle show" that could be reworked as a play, you'll still get caught up in the tense atmosphere, as various characters climb a web of complicated lies and try not to get eaten by the spider at its center. Just who is that spider depends on your point of view at any given moment. A smart first feature for director Graham Moore, better known as a scriptwriter (having won an Oscar for The Imitation Game).
Low key, play like gangster thriller drama. Well acted with some fun twists
Simon Lavender
Bland. No depth