To date, the best Judge Dredd movie is probably still Robocop, but the recent Dredd comes damn close. It just doesn't have the crazy satire of the 2000 A.D. strips for me to make that call. However, Mega-City One is a believable environment, Karl Urban is unrecognizable behind the Judge Dredd persona (he's got the pout down cold, and never EVER takes off his helmet), and the use of the Slo-Mo drug further creates comic book panels as frozen moments in time that tie back to the famous strip. It's a very straightforward action plot, surprisingly claustrophobic for an action-sf effects picture, but that's somehow refreshing in this era of complicated thrillers and kitchen sink special effects movies. But it's smartly done. With a closed-off protagonist, they've made a rookie psi-Judge Anderson the audience identifier, and while the violence is very much Rated R, the Slo-Mo sequences that feature it give it a kind of morbid beauty that takes the edge off the gore. No plans (yet) for Dr. McCoy and the other girl from Juno to ride their bikes through Mega City One again, but I'd love to see some sequels, maybe a visit to the Cursed Earth or even Judge Death.
9 years ago
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I grew to love Karl Urban's grimace.
Never been into Dredd but this film sparked an interest. There is one perfect moment in this film
Pretty enjoyable for this type of movie.
How is this masterpiece not in a single list …
To date, the best Judge Dredd movie is probably still Robocop, but the recent Dredd comes damn close. It just doesn't have the crazy satire of the 2000 A.D. strips for me to make that call. However, Mega-City One is a believable environment, Karl Urban is unrecognizable behind the Judge Dredd persona (he's got the pout down cold, and never EVER takes off his helmet), and the use of the Slo-Mo drug further creates comic book panels as frozen moments in time that tie back to the famous strip. It's a very straightforward action plot, surprisingly claustrophobic for an action-sf effects picture, but that's somehow refreshing in this era of complicated thrillers and kitchen sink special effects movies. But it's smartly done. With a closed-off protagonist, they've made a rookie psi-Judge Anderson the audience identifier, and while the violence is very much Rated R, the Slo-Mo sequences that feature it give it a kind of morbid beauty that takes the edge off the gore. No plans (yet) for Dr. McCoy and the other girl from Juno to ride their bikes through Mega City One again, but I'd love to see some sequels, maybe a visit to the Cursed Earth or even Judge Death.