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2 weeks ago
Interesting movie, very intense and partly a bit sick, but that was kind of necessary for the storyline. Deals with fascinating topics such as the failing of the judicial system, things that normal people are capable of if something terrible happens to them…
Gerard Butler was amazing. He impersonated the main character with so much sadness, anger and vengefulness - makes the audience scared of him and feel sympathy with him at the same time. But I also especially appreciated the scenes in the beginning when he is in such pain over what happened to his family and slowly realizes that the worst of the criminals is not going to be punished for what he did.
There are some ugly truths about court, lawyers and the system in general, some nice plot twists and great conversations.
Enjoyable, exciting thriller. Ending was weak and the story was unbelievable, but tense and well acted. Very violent though….
Enjoyed this as a well played out film with a few twists and turns along the way.