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3 weeks ago
It's alright, I mean you can't go wrong with the songs.
But it's a bit cheesy.
Yesterday is the rare movie that is exactly as you would expect based on previews. It hits all the expected notes both literally and figuratively and only has few surprises
Nonetheless, despite its routine nature, the film is a fine example of a perfectly serviceable fan tribute. It’s fun, joyful, and carries itself and its fan material well. Himesh Patel is great fun to watch, though his female counterpart is outshone by him. He is truly the best part of the film.
There’s a number of clunky transitions where characters move along from situations without real motivation, but it’s a silly fantasy film and the flaws are forgiven.
Good fun, great for fans, strong lead, not terribly groundbreaking.
3.5 stars out of 5
Wow, didn't realise that was playing John Lennon.