The Passion of the Christ (2004)

A graphic portrayal of the last twelve hours of Jesus of Nazareth's life.


Too much gratuitous blood and violence. And if it wasn't for all those slow-motion scenes, this movie could've been done in half the time.

11 years ago

Jimbo Slice

Those that are complaining about the level of blood and gore and lack of a plot are missing the point of this film. This movie is not the story of Jesus but of the sacrifice he made for mankind. He had the power to stop it at any time but chose to follow through out of love. The movie gives us a chance to really reflect and contemplate the magnitude and implications of that sacrifice without distraction. The gore is not gratuitous and for our entertainment. It's just the horrible reality of the event.

10 years ago


Plot summary: Illegitimate child grows up on wrong side of the law.

12 years ago

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