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Currently in 10 official lists, but has been in 11
BrassKey checked this title
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4 days agowhiskyagogo checked this title
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2 weeks agoilltrytowatchemall checked this title
2 weeks agoUMUT24 checked this title
2 weeks ago
It shows its age a little bit, but come on, this was literally 3 years after the first "talkie" motion picture. Robinson plays a great gangster despite that he hasn't quite gotten the trademark look that he would grow into.
Disappointing film. Robinson could act in his sleep, but there wasn't a lot to work with. Rico started bad and he remained bad for the rest of the movie without much else going on. Douglas Fairbanks Jr. was barely in it. The Public Enemy and Scarface are better pre-code gangster films.
"If anyone gets yellow and squeals, my gun is gonna speak its peace."