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5 days ago
Alfredo Garcia
A movie that grips you and makes you feel the weight of injustice that the Guildford Four suffered under. Daniel-Day Lewis gives an amazing performance that shows the changes in the character as the movie goes on. Great script, and almost all the other actors put in fantastic performances too, I only had reservations about Emma Thompson's performance which I felt lacked the realism of the other actors. The female roles in general are quite minimal and one note.
Great movie. Very engaging drama throughout the whole movie. The fight for what's right and justice is important. Lots of interesting emotions and relations between family and friends in all the different settings of the film - prison, court and the city. The film made me care for the characters, and then made it highly enjoyable. Then I can say I like most of the aspects of this film, script and direction is very good, although the best part, is the acting. Day-Lewis and Postlethwaite is flawless!
Highlight: Daniel Day-Lewis' acting.
He made a memorable character. The fight for the Oscar was hard in 1994. Tom Hanks got it form his great part in Philadelphia, and other would maybe say that Liam Neesons strong performance in Schindler's List should get the prize, but I feel that Daniel Day-Lewis should have gotten it after seeing this movie.
This one almost made its way into my top 50 favorite films, so I will reward with the highest grade:
6 / 6