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a month ago
An authentic samurai epic from director Takashi Miike. Owing something to both history and Seven Samurai, the film has an elder samurai assemble a team to kill the Shogun's decadent and psychotic brother whose actions threaten to end an era of peace. Some of the 13 are fairly generic (students of others, for example), but enough of them are distinctive to make their victories and defeats resonate, as the second half of the film takes us through a massive battle in real time. The violence is harsh and realistic, and Miike doesn't rely on music or editing to make his points. It's Spartan and thus much more subtle film-making. To my taste are the lasting ambiguities of the film, from the impervious mountain man's almost spirit-like appearance to the final smile to what happens after the credits fall. The more I think about 13 Assassins, the more I like it.
If you liked this, make sure to watch the original by Eiichi Kudo: http://www.icheckmovies.com/movies/jusan-nin+no+shikaku/ . It is great!
I would prefer this as an action movie over any stupid 21th century hollywood action films. Very realistic, no bullshit awesome fight scenes. No boring stereotype characters. Even the villains have something interesting to say. People who can't just understand the characters is probably because they are very unfamiliar with the peace era feudal-japan people, they were not westerners so stop judging the characters like they would act like one. Jeez, try to judge characters in their own conditions.