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Currently in 5 official lists, but has been in 6
The_Claw checked this title
6 days agoMendo checked this title
a week agoThe_Claw added this title to their watchlist
2 weeks agoAB537 checked this title
3 weeks agoSpacePauls checked this title
a month agoepicureanlotus checked this title
a month ago
I like how some films goes around in circles. The circles doesn't have to be the same. Some circles just shatters affecting the others. The film begins with an odd and funny scenes then conclude with a sad and sweet scene. Great film.
Some of the movie's eccentricities don't exactly pay off– but isn't that what makes them charming? Funny and unexpectedly moving film in the upper echelon of Almodovar joints or Almo-joints… which is how I've just now decided to call them. Recommended.
fantastic song and marvelous cameo appearance of Almodóvar himself…