This film does an excellent job showcasing the physical and emotional pain faced by those with ME/CFS and their caregivers, but it also does so much more — it legitimizes invisible illness, humanizes it, and explores just how damaging the concept of 'female hysteria' continues to be. As a chronically ill person myself, this film hit hard. It perfectly encapsulates the terror and sadness of being confronted with an "untreatable" diagnosis, but also explores the deep love and joy that can be found while living with such profound impairments.
3 years ago
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This film does an excellent job showcasing the physical and emotional pain faced by those with ME/CFS and their caregivers, but it also does so much more — it legitimizes invisible illness, humanizes it, and explores just how damaging the concept of 'female hysteria' continues to be.
As a chronically ill person myself, this film hit hard. It perfectly encapsulates the terror and sadness of being confronted with an "untreatable" diagnosis, but also explores the deep love and joy that can be found while living with such profound impairments.