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4.2% of the viewers favorited this title, 1.8% disliked it
Currently in 2 official lists, but has been in 3
RosePlantQueen checked this title
19 hours agoLeMathieuLewis checked this title
23 hours agokcirbuk checked this title
3 days agoNurdik97 added this title to their watchlist
4 days agoasenay checked this title
5 days agoLaLavi checked this title
a week ago
Intensely beautiful film about love and dreams.
A film that makes you appreciate what you have and haven't got.
It's a beautiful love story, and i absolutely love this film!
Every pretty person's ( including Tom Cruise's ) nightmare .. shows how important looks are in this world or to one's self-esteem …
Yes, liked it a lot !! Penelope Cruz is a Goddess ..