
It's a shame that as children we can't see both sides of a story as well as the storyteller. Only with maturity and age does one see what was actually the truth. I miss my father and his corny jokes so much. Death is a terrible thief.

10 years ago


Ever since seeing it as a child at the cinema, I've always remembered it fondly and thought of it as my favorite film of all time.Having just re-watched it, I'm happy to say that's still the case.

Big Fish is a hugely heart-warming tale with some strong performances, a simple yet fantastically executed story and some surprisingly notable direction from Tim Burton. He manages to mix both reality and fantasy seamlessly throughout, and surprisingly resists turning to his traditional Gothic elements for a majority of the film. The ending has to be one of the most emotionally moving ever filmed within cinema, and ends up becoming a beautiful celebration of storytelling as a whole.

"In telling the story of my father's life, it's impossible to separate fact from fiction. The man from the myth. The best I can do is to tell it the way he told me…"

12 years ago


It's not until the end that you truly feel the impact and meaning of this beautiful film.

I loved the variety of the cast, especially Karl!

Well done Burton.

11 years ago

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