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7 months ago
My friend Michael May of the Adventureblog described Table 19 as "Breakfast Club at a wedding" and yes, that's very much the vibe. Brilliant five-word review. Written by the Duplass brothers, it's exactly the kind of funny/sad comedy you'd expect from the duo, but perhaps happier than usual. The idea is to get to know the outcasts at the rejects table furthest from the wedding party - the best man's ex, the friends of friends, the forgotten nanny, the unaccompanied kid - and see them heal each other through this quirk of circumstance. The always watchable Anna Kendrick is clearly the lead, but we get some good turns from Lisa Kudrow, Stephen Merchant, Craig Robinson, Tony Revolori and June Squibb as well. I'm iffy about the "forgive men behaving badly" motif running through the film, but Table 19 delivers enough smart amusement and heartfelt poignancy to still make this recommendable.
few visible scars
Errrrmmm .. starts well, rises for 30, 40 mins to something with great promise.. but then slumps, badly.