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7.5% of the viewers favorited this title, 1.2% disliked it
Currently in 1 official list, but has been in 3
whiskyagogo checked this title
16 hours agoChevy93 checked this title
2 days agoKetterH checked this title
3 days agoKarl828 checked this title
3 days agoandrea1111111 checked this title
4 days agoRainonthewindows checked this title
a week ago
An amazing movie, made into an "okay" movie by the last act. Complete 180 of tone, and heavy-handed, annoying direction toward the end. What a shame. For most of the film it is utterly hypnotic, and then…
Great up until the turn of events.
Felt like the crew mankind sent to save the entire race weren't the smartest bunch.