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a month ago
Gangsters played by children. Just doesn't work.
Camille Deadpan
This is a cute little movie .
What an oddball of a film. A Prohibition-era gangster musical with an all-kid cast! It's a weird experience, especially since the singing voices are usually those of adults semi-convincingly dubbed in. It's got some good songs, and at least the kids get to do their own dancing (and do it on a professional level), but for me, it's the story that was lacking. I understand that it's a spoof - or CAME to understand and do think repeat viewings would have me be more into it - but it just felt like a collection of 1930s plots cobbled together. There's the gang war, of course, and an obligatory romance, but also "A Star Is Born"(TM) and a boxing subplot. It's trying to hit all the beats and I'm left wondering what the target audience is. Were kids in 1976 that interested in 1930s gangster movies? Were adults in 1976 that interesting in seeing a kid version of the films they liked? That's as maybe. There are some amusing bits of business in how the world is kiddified (the cream pie guns, the pedal cars, etc.), but it leads to a lot of tiring slapstick