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a week ago
A good crime thriller with strong performances from Pacino and Penn. De Palma does seem more interested in long takes and shot composition than in the rest of the film, but this does lead to some undeniably impressive cinematography.
I was less impressed by the dialogue and the voiceover, which seemed rather clumsy at times. It definitely feels like it's trying to be another Scarface, but the morality-play aspects are pushed a bit too much.
Great chase at the climax, even though the trains are all still running normally despite a bloodbath shootout in the middle of the station.
Less over-the-top than many of De Palma's other films. It's a solid gangster film with a great sense of style.
I have to say, it is bizarre seeing Sean Penn in a role like this – nearly didn't recognise him!
One of De Palma's absolute best. Loved the directing and the performances, especially from Pacino and Sean Penn who delivers some of their best in their entire careers.