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2 months ago
NeverTooEarly MoviePredictions
Chances are pretty good that the NSA is spying on iCheckMovies also, so if I'm going to check this off, I might as well mark it as a favorite too.
What's great is that it plays out in real time. Snowden met with the filmmakers leading up to and during the leaks. It shows what Snowden was thinking and going through as the media became aware, not just after the fact.
Aside from that, the documentary doesn't really point out anything about the leaks the media didn't already cover in 2013. It gives the earliest and unbias account of Snowden, as well as presents the facts in a concise manner, making it easy for someone to follow, even if they know nothing about the event. The filmmaker got lucky that Snowden picked her to help him tell this story, and Snowden got lucky the filmmaker he picked was such a qualified and understanding journalist.
Engrossing documentary made in real time. It's chilling, suspenseful, well made and covering a very important subject matter. Well worth a look