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a month ago
WOW! An AMAZING movie!
Terminal illness, loneliness, school bullying, bitter grandmother, detached parents, white lies, and, above all, the main subject, inner fears. With such a collection of topics, it probably takes more than one viewing to understand the film in all its depth.
They found the perfect way to handle this incredibly good topic, -how to deal with our inner fears-, that could not be easily developed in cinema, and they managed to convey the message without lecturing or being moralistic.
The acting is so good that it makes it very easy to suspend the disbelief, and this is rich coming from someone who loves realism and usually criticizes the use of special effects.
The boy actor is sublime, I wonder where he got all that anger from? The director did a great job with him. Sigourney Weaver nails it as his grandmother, strict and distant but not like Cinderella's stepmother or to the point to call social services. I loved her character, I wanted to know more about her, but the film is not about her, and giving her more screen time would have distracted from the main story. Maybe now they can make another film -a prequel- about her? LOL
But it is the monster who steals the show. He -and what he represents- is ugly, nasty, harsh and coarse. But listening to what he has to say and facing the truth allows us to grow as human beings.
There will be pain. And then, even more pain. But you will be fine.
What an incredibly beautiful film. Be ready for some heavy emotions, as I'm pretty sure there wasn't a dry eye left in the house when the credits ran.
A wonderful drama that has some great performances, an interesting art style, and the best scripting I've seen in a long time.
Beautiful movie! A shame that nobody really knows about it.. We were four people in the cinema.