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13% of the viewers favorited this title, 0.4% disliked it
Currently in 22 official lists, but has been in 27
TheChainUser checked this title
2 days agoChihiro checked this title
2 days agojnmcgarry checked this title
3 days agoSupernicol favorited this title
4 days agobroman checked this title
4 days agoICraPBullets checked this title
5 days ago
Impressive movie, even more impressive when you realize that most of the actors are people living in the favela who did never act before. I absolutely loved it.
Really enjoyed the flow of the movie. I can see why it is so highly rated.
City of God is the real thing! Just wow, this is so much better than any crime film I've seen. The fact that it's based on true events makes it the most disturbing as well.