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a week ago
Lord X
Strange to see Hitchcock take on "realism".
Alfred Hitchcock pulls a "Presents" by actually showing up at the start of The Wrong Man to assure us it is, unlike his other thrillers, a true story. Starts out well enough, with Henry Fonda an everyman who becomes the victim of mistaken identity, is arrested and is run through the system. Hitchcock brings his knack for creating suspense to the mundane and procedural (police procedure has thankfully evolved since then), and we really do feel for "Manny". It makes you feel it could happen to anyone (and in a way, it's pretty quaint given what minorities have to go through in the U.S. today in terms of "mistaken identity"). It can't be helped, I suppose, but the true story of what happens with Manny's wife veers into melodrama in the third act, and really, that's where the film loses me a bit. Hitchcock uses real locations as set dressing, which causes a lot of sound problems, in court especially. And then the movie ends pretty much exactly the way I thought it would. Outrageous true events, but the resolution seemed pretty clear from the offset.