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12.1% of the viewers favorited this title, 1.5% disliked it
Currently in 35 official lists, but has been in 42
SmoothPimp checked this title
4 hours agobroman checked this title
12 hours agoCrazyF00 added this title to their watchlist
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3 days agowhiskyagogo checked this title
3 days agostarlight-queen checked this title
5 days ago
Big A2
So according to these comments this is either the greatest movie ever or the worst.
George Bailey
He counted his movies as a co-director as a ½ movie. He made 3 movies with other directors and 6 by himself. So 8½ was his 8½ film…
Definitely an important movie, but I don't agree that it was simply random. Important for modernism and futurism I'd say. On Wikipedia, someone compares this to Ulysses (Joyce), which is apt.