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4 days ago
Aka "A new new hope".
Really enjoyed it. Lots of fun and captures the spirit of the original trilogy. Action, Special Effects and production design are all excellent. Story (although strictly a rehash of episode IV) works really well and keeps the momentum and suspense coming.
Do have one big complaint, because it's basicly a remake of episode IV, their isn't much suprise…….hopefully they will make up for it with part VIII.
Seeing the original cast…….ahhhhhhh just terrific.
Comments above were after the first watch in cinema. Finally saw it again today. Still stand by my previous comments but the it also bothered me a little bit more how much of VI is just IV. Also the untrained Rey using the force THAT good without training……hmmm
Seeing it again in 2024 with my 9 year old son, who LOVED it. His favorite so far
Public Enemy
Has anyone made a comment about how it's similar to episode IV? I don't think I've seen anyone ever say that yet.