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9.6% of the viewers favorited this title, 1.5% disliked it
Currently in 11 official lists, but has been in 13
fernandogracia checked this title
3 days agowhiskyagogo checked this title
5 days agoPDMChubby checked this title
2 weeks agobgreene51 favorited this title
3 weeks agobgreene51 checked this title
3 weeks agosharonmarietate checked this title
4 weeks ago
I really thought I was going to hate this movie with all the loud laughing, yelling, over indulgence, and nonsensical banter, but I was WRONG. Give this movie a chance and you will find great depth in mankind's flaws. What a ride! Definitely recommend.
This movie is so irritating it makes we want to re-evaluate if I like Woman Under the Influence as much as I thought I did.
I can't watch drunk people babble for two *minutes* in real life, much less for two hours in a movie.